Big news!- New Swiss Army Knife Book! “A Collectors Guide to Vintage Wenger Knives“ by Dave Arnold

Congratulations to Dave Arnold on a job well done! Available NOW on Amazon: =sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=A Collectors Guide to Vintage Wenger Knives&qid=1620045698&sr=8-2 In this long overdue book, Dave Arnold shares the rarest knives ever produced in Delemont and unravels the uncertainties of the evolution of Wenger knives. Fully illustrated with photographs of the rarest Wenger knives from around the world, he has assembled the most complete reference tool for Coutellerie Suisse and Wenger knives from 1900 to the 1960s that has ever been compiled. With seven chapters about officer knives, along with individual chapters on Wenger soldier, farmer, fixed blade, and gentleman knives- plus chapters on other Swiss, Solingen, and commonly mistaken as Wenger knifemakers. A Collectors Guide to Vintage Wenger Knives is a resource that no Swiss Army knife collector should be without.
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