Bloom & Sky | Peer Pressure

“...I give into yours...“ WATCH IN 720p, SMALL SCREEN Feedback is always nice! ♡ - So, I watched FWTS and whiel it obviously wasn’t top-tier tv, I found it entertaining enough and not as bad as I thought it’d be before it aired. Sure, it’s nowhere near close to being a faithful adaptation, but a play-by-play of the cartoon would be kinda meh anyway since we know what happens so I guess I’m fine with it. These two had enough chemistry to keep me invested so. About the vidlet... I’m actually not very happy with the final result, tbh. I liked it much more on Vegas than I did once I watched the rendered product... but figured there was no harm in posting it, so hopefully y’all like it. - SUPPORT ME: #fanvidfeed #winx #bloomsky my instagram: Song: Coloring: goldxnoir Made with: Vegas Pro 15
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