4 Full Body Workouts Using A Bench

4 Full Body Workouts Using A Bench 1. The 30/15 Bench Cardio (0:09) 2. The Chest And Legs Bench Ladder (1:03) 3. The Baseline Bench Blast (2:46) 4. The 10-Minute Bench Core Burner (3:30) The 30/15 Bench Cardio Set a timer for 30 seconds of work and 15 seconds to transition from exercise to exercise. Complete 4-6 rounds through the circuit. If you find you want to rest during the 30 seconds of work, instead take an extra 45 seconds between rounds of the circuit.  CIRCUIT: 30 seconds Explosive Step Ups 15 seconds Rest 30 seconds Lateral Push Up Walk 15 seconds Rest 30 seconds Hop Overs 15 seconds Rest 30 seconds Decline Mountain Climbers  15 seconds Rest 30 seconds Bench Crunches  15 seconds Rest The Chest And Legs Bench Ladder Complete 3 rounds through each triset, resting 30-45 seconds between rounds. Rest 45-60 seconds between trisets. Each round you will go down in reps. You’ll start with 16 reps then 12 then 8. TRISET #1: 16-12-8 reps per side Balance Lunge  16-12-8 reps Decline Push Ups  16-12-8 reps per side Side Plank with Adductor Lift TRISET #2: 16-12-8 reps per side Step Down 16-12-8 reps Bench Dips 16-12-8 reps Off Bench Leg Lowers TRISET #3: 16-12-8 reps per side Single Leg Squat to Bench 16-12-8 reps Off Bench Climbers 16-12-8 reps Glute Bridge Off Box  The Baseline Bench Blast Complete 2-4 rounds through the circuit. Rest as needed You may even find you use a lower step for the step ups if needed. This is a great routine if you’re just rebuilding! CIRCUIT 10-15 reps per side Step Ups  10-15 reps Incline Push Ups  10-15 reps Reverse Hypers  10-15 reps per side Incline Mountain Climbers The 10-Minute Bench Core Burner Set a timer for 30 second intervals of work and complete 4 rounds through without resting.  CIRCUIT: 30 seconds per side Two-Way Leg Swings  30 seconds per side Side Plank Off Bench 30 seconds Glute Bridge Off Box
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