Звездной ночи не хватит... Стихи читает автор Демирина. Starry night is not enough...

poems are read by the author Demirina Starry night is not enough to tell you everything, Letting go of everything disturbing with notes of soft jazz, To again between inhalation and exhalation in debt not to connect Everything that weighed so much with separation in the past two times! Thoroughness is not what one would look for in a moonless eye, Until repeated oaths awaiting an early denouement?! Everything in the outer order of space will happen without us, And without us, the usual fairy tales will end, as they should ... Well, we are only responsible for the peak of unearthly Silence, What hung like a sword over the bodies undressed by a groan: We are not the ones who drown in the internal surge of guilt, Disowning the rhythm of preludes, crucified by words! And let it flow into the moonless dotted Light, We are the “fireflies“ that pressed our stubborn foreheads: There is no more cold-blooded
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