Google has a separate division in the company that deals with the fight against “disinformation“, that is, against undesirable p

Google has a separate division in the company that deals with the fight against “disinformation“, that is, against undesirable points of view. They strictly ban “threats“ found in social networks and their news (the same YouTube is a great example of this). The department is called Threat Analysis Group. These guys publish annual reports on their activities, and they write everything openly and honestly, without euphemisms about disinformation and the like. Here, for example, is the report for last year. And it’s very funny to watch who and for what Google doesn’t like (and it doesn’t like those who don’t like globalists and, above all, those who talk about world politics in a way that is not what the American establishment wants. The most struggle is with Russian channels in Russian and in other languages ​​too. The main triggers are positive things about Russia (we are talking about politics; praising the cuisine or the beauty of women is not prohibited and no one is interested in ... Source: Lord Of War
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