...the United States has been a world powe,r a superpower. There is really not very much it can do, but also one of the things

“...the United States has been a world powe,r a superpower. There is really not very much it can do, but also one of the things it cannot do is tell its people that it’s over, that their that their quality of life is already abysmal but it’s going to get a lot worse, that things are just generally going to get worse. Trump is a politician, and as Bill Clinton rather astutely said: nobody has ever gotten gotten into office by promising less. So Trump has to promise more. So he’s promising to make America great again, and the question is: What’s the timeline on that deliverable? Are there any interim milestones, so that we can keep some kind of a metric on how great America is becoming again? Or is this just something that’ll happen one day, like snow falling off a roof. Boom, America is great again. Because I see no signs of America becoming any greater. In fact, it’s shrinking in many ways. And so this is just rhetoric. ... The entire spectacle for anyone looked a little bit scripte... Source: Reality Theories, Eva K Bartlett
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