Domani Appartiene A Noi

The song, or rather the refrain, is based on “Tomorrow Belongs To Me“ from the american 1966 musical Cabaret. The melody, in turn, comes from a German folk song called “In einem kühlen Grunde“, which in turn was based on the poem of the same name by Joseph von Eichendorff. I’m not sure, but I believe the Italian version of this song was written by the Italian band Hobbit, while this audio version was sung by the Italian band Compagnia dell’anello. All in all it’s a very beautiful but also epic song hat I wanted to share with everyone on this platform. == Lyrics == Ascolta il ruscello che sgorga lassù Ed umile a valle scompar E guarda l’argento del fiume che Sereno e sicuro va. Osserva dell’alba il primo baglior Che annuncia la fiamma del sol Ciò che nasce puro più grande vivrà E vince l’oscurità. La tenebra fugge i raggi del sol Iddio dà gioia e calor Nei cuor la speranza non morir
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