Corrupted Forest Ambience and Music atmosphere of a dark cursed forest with ambient music

Nobody would go near The Forest. People that went in never came back, or when they did, they came back different, changed, corrupted. *** I love the idea of a forest with its own mind like a giant organism always watching you. I have read a fantasy book with a dark corrupted forest called Uprooted by Naomi Novik and I absolutely loved the eerie depiction of the Forest that has its own dark twisted mind, always trying to take over more... *** Martia I create ambiences with original music. My favorite genre is fantasy, but I sometimes venture into sci-fi, horror, history, or plain (but beautiful) natural settings. I am heavily inspired by books, as I am a total bookworm, by PC games and DnD which my husband loves and talks about. I love long cross-country hikes, that feel like a huge adventure and you can see it in the number of traveling ambiences I produce *** You are at the right place if you are looking for ambient music for reading, writing, or work, or background music for DnD. #ambientmusic #fantasyambience
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