Rex Mundi feat. Susana - Nothing At All (Mark Sixma presents M6 Remix) [Official Visualizer]

Discover ’Nothing At All (Mark Sixma presents M6 Remix)’ on your favorite streaming platform ▶ Subscribe to the Armada Music YouTube channel: Click the 🔔 to stay updated with our new uploads! In the wake of releasing the ‘Elements II’ album under his M6 moniker, Mark Sixma pushes ahead with this brilliant remix of one of his favorite classics: Rex Mundi and Susana’s 2009 single ‘Nothing At All’. Included on the aforementioned mix compilation and played on Armin van Buuren’s A State Of Trance radio show ahead of release, this cut makes fans pound on the dance floor as if nothing else matters at all. Connect with Armada Music ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶@armadamusic ▶
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