“SICKNESS OF THE FLESH TO COME“ Panierotatos warns now, that something much worse is coming for people’s bodies, that the “coronavirus“, which from quarantine can become a “carbine“, will be minimal in front of him and that is why a lot of fasting and prayer,s and especially a prayer to Saint Auxibios, first Bishop of Solon in Cyprus, to whom God had given the gift of strong faith and the healing gift MORFOU NEOPHYTOS “What we lack is strong faith. That is why I say Saint Auxibius, no, he is not, as time passes he will become a very very very relevant Saint! As long as he is now Saint Nikephoros for infectious diseases and this little one, the coronavirus - some sages call it “ because we magnify it too much - and in the greatest disease of the flesh that is coming, which will need many Nicephoros, many Flowers, many Eumenius, a lot of patience, a lot of fasting, a lot of prayers and above all, I repeat, a lot of faith! And who dares to say “I have faith“. We say what his father said of today’s Gospel in today’s Gospel: “I believe Lord, help my unbelief““!
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