Parental Alienation - My Story

Parental Alienation - My Story (Full) Advisory Warning - Profanity & Adult Topics (Trigger Warning) Mark Sheppard takes you on a revealing and insightful journey into the lives of five people who have encountered parental alienation. Mark’s documentary not only captures the psychological and emotional effect each of them has gone through but goes on to highlight the devastating and tragic impact that parental alienation has had. Mark’s powerful epilogue will leave you bewildered with questions of how this dysfunctional behaviour has escaped the justice system for so long and why more isn’t being done. Parental alienation is gender neutral as Mark rightly points out. He himself had to experience such turbulence in his life. Mark’s enlightening documentary demonstrates why people are unaware of parental alienation and had no knowledge as to how such events could almost ruin their lives.
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