正識開工:揸咪揸到去控制中心?(足本) Job Advancement & Opportunities: Holding mics in OCC? (Full Ver)

#阿正 今次嚟到車務控制中心 (OCC),都係對住個咪廣播啫,應該無難度?試過先知唔係咁簡單!由前綫作爲站務主任,做到後勤車務控制中心成爲通訊主任,負責發放車務資訊嘅 Ah Mo 話,佢以前都試過喺街頭 busking。雖然都係揸咪🎤,但OCC嘅内容同節奏完全唔同!舞臺由街頭變成車站,再到車務控制中心,Ah Mo 喺過程中有咩得著?喺港鐵係咪都有busking 嘅機會?睇片就知道喇! #正識開工 #第5集 #阿正遇上緊急情況點處理 #有困難就克服佢 #興趣工作兩樣都有 #晉升與機遇 #載向未來 Looking at the announcement systems at the Operations Control Centre (OCC) as an experienced DJ, it should be a piece of cake for Ah Jeng. But it’s not! Ah Mo, a station officer who used to carry out frontline services, has become a communication controller at OCC now, responsible for sharing and announcing immediate traffic news. She shares that she was once a busker too, although both roles require a microphone 🎤, the rhythm at OCC is completely different! What has Ah Mo experienced during her journey? Is there still a chance for busking in the MTR? Watch now and you’ll find out! #JobAdvancement_Opportunities #EP5 #communication_controller #busking_to_braodcasting #job_diversity #GoBeyond
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