Linkin Park Ft. Alex McMillan - Numb (Live version) (Edited)

I have edited a new live version, this time I have done it with Numb adding Alex’s vocals and using the live instrumental, I also added Mike Shinoda’s vocals to accompany Alex’s voice as he did with Chester. Some wonder how would Alex sound live with Linkin Park? So I decided to do this edition to give you an idea of what that would be like, eye, always respected Chester’s legacy. I have followed Alex for many years, maybe a little over 10 years, and his covers have always been at the level, so much so that he has earned the love and respect of Linkin Park fans. Mike Shinoda recently produced one of Alex’s songs, and I’m very happy about that. He certainly deserved it. _________________________________________________ He editado una nueva versión en vivo, en esta oportunidad lo he hecho con Numb agregando vocales de Alex y usando el instrumental en vivo, también agregue vocales de Mike Shinoda para acompañar la voz de Alex tal cual lo hacia con Chester. Algunos se preguntan ¿Como se escucharía Alex en vi
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