New World Cichlids | Ellioti fish | Complete Care and Guide

The video is about ellioti fish #cichlid care. This is my second video of my #aquarium setup. Shared some of the information on ellioti fish. I bought it one and half year ago, it was around 2 inchs and now it is about 5.5 inches. Had a great experience to watch it grow. ellioti is an awesome fish to keep in the collection. Please like, share and subscribe for more videos. My Fish Collection : Electric Blue Acara Red Spotted Severum Rotkeil Severum Rainbow Cichlid Green Severum Uaru Cichlid Thorichthys Ellioti Frontosa Cichlid Geophagus Red Head Tapajos Geophagus Surinamensis Ge...ophagus Slender Geophagus Albino Heckelii Threadfin Acara Software used : imovie Music Credits : –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Weightless - LiQWYD [Vlog No Copyright Music].mp3 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– #imovie #cichlid #aquarium
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