We meet. Poet of Azerbaijan. Ramil Ahmad. Встречаем поэта Ramil Ahmad из Азербайджана
Ramil Ahmad, Azerbaijan
Ramil Ahmad is an Azerbaijani poet, was born in 1994. He graduated from Baku State University in 2015, faculty of philology (Azerbaijani Language and Literature) and also graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University of Turkey in 2018, department of Contemporary Turkish Literature as Master. Later he worked at the local newspaper “525-ci Gazet’“, holding the position of Cultural News Correspondent. Ramil is the Member of the Union of the Azerbaijani Writers since 2013. He is the author of a poetry collection named “Tunnel of Time’’. Winner of the 2015 Literature Youth Prize from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan Republic. Currently he studies at Istanbul University of Turkey, department of Contemporary Turkish Literature as PhD. He has three books: “Tunnel of Time” (poems), “Essays of Two Cities” (literary essays) and “In The House of Orhan Pamuk” (interviews)
Ramil Ahmad, Азербайджан
Рамиль Ахмад - азербайджанский поэт, родился в 199