Nancy Sinatra-Day Tripper

Nancy Sinatra-Day Tripper by Under the pressure of needing a new single for the Christmas market,[3] John Lennon wrote the music, including the famous guitar hook, and most of the lyrics, while Paul McCartney helped with the verses. John Lennon said: “Day trippers are people who go on a day trip, right? Usually on a ferryboat or something. But [the song] was kind of . . . you’re just a weekend hippie. Get it?“ The line recorded as “she’s a big teaser“ WAS originally written as “she’s a prick teaser.“ These are the same Beatles that loved slipping dirty jokes in past George Martin, for instance in “Girl“ they got a big kick out of singing “tit tit tit tit.“ Let’s slow this down so people can understand... haha! The song is about a girl and girl only. It talks about a girl (aka prick teaser) who “she took me half the way there.“ “She only plays one night stands.“ and sunday driver is someone who drives annoying slow for a leisurely sunday drive... hence she wanted to go slow and wouldn’t take him all the way. It took him so long to find out cause he thought she’d finally put out but never did.
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