Cars and vans fully submerged in flood water as torrential rain hits Dunstable

Locals have reported widespread damage to their homes as Britain continues to face “unbelievable” flash flooding caused by heavy downpours of rain. Heavy rainfall has seen parts of Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and London submerged causing widespread travel disruption and damage to properties. According to the Environment Agency, at least 45 properties have flooded across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Kent and the Home Counties. As of , 17 flood warnings – meaning flooding is expected – were issued for England by the Environment Agency. An amber warning came into force at 5am and will last ...until . Watch more on Independent TV: The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Subscribe: Find us on social: TikTok / @independent Instagram /
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