Security of Arctic frontiers: ecology, history, images of the future (Norsk)

The participants include R&D institutions, governmental organizations and NGOs of Russia, Norway and other Arctic states including FRC KSC RAS, MASU, the Arctic University of Norway, a number of environmental organizations, MMBI RAS, the Norwegian research company “Akvaplan-niva”, the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (TFF), etc. Due to the Decree of The Government of the Murmansk region of Russian Federation regulating measures against COVID-19 the conference will be held in a mixed mode of both offline and online participation. The conference will include 2 sections: “The Arctic – a region of sustainable development, dialogue and cooperation” and “Topical issues of the history of the Arctic“. Within the framework of the first section, it is planned to highlight the following issues: the role of science in the exploration and development of the Arctic, questions of peace, stability and sustainable international development in the Arctic, environmental protection in the Arctic. The main topics of the second section will include: the role of indigenous peoples of the Far North in the history of the Arctic, the 80th anniversary of the arrival of the first Arctic Convoy “Dervish” in Murmansk. Among the speakers are: co-founder and director of the independent TFF – The Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research Jan Øberg, Arctic Development AS Managing partner Arild Vollan, the Head of the Norwegian Pomor Academy Remi Strand, Norwegian historian and writer Steinar Borch Jensen, representatives of the Naval Museum of the Northern Fleet, scientists and ecologists. The event will be broadcasted online with simultaneous translation into Russian, Norwegian and English.
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