The Making of a Beaded Pine Tree - Part 2 - Pinecone and Needle Trials

I started this personal project a little while back and wanted to make video documentation on it to track my progress and talk about the ups and downs and decisions that I have to make along the way. In this video I talk about my Pinecone and Needle samples. Part 1 - Intro and Beads - Techniques Used: - Continuous Loops - - Continuous Wrarparound Loops - Other Techniques Mentioned: - Continuous Crossover Loops - - Continuous Basic Frame - Beginner Level Pinecone Pattern - French Beaded Christmas Wreath Book - =sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=french beading books&qid=1626291614&sr=8-6 Website: Books: Facebook Page: https://ww
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