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Aikido Demonstration during the 2023 Kagami Biraki & Budo Hajime, at the Nippon Budokan.
Throwing techniques by Suzuki Toshio, 6th Dan, Shihan.
Uke: Arima Hayato, 3rd Dan, Shidoin.
Aikido is a contemporary martial art founded mid-20th century by Ueshiba Morihei.
The founder studied several Japanese traditional martial arts while pursuing an intense spiritual practice. This leads to the transformation of the techniques, from “Jutsu” or “technical application” to “Do”, “the Way”, implementing a focus on the development of the practitioner’s character.
The founder used to say: “True martial arts are not meant for competing with techniques that rely on strength, but are a way for those who seek self-perfection“.
Today’s demonstration consists of throwing techniques, grappling techniques, defense against knife, and free techniques, by a delegation from the Aikikai Hombu Dojo, the A
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