CRAZY FTV Party at the Cuckoo Club ft Flying Dancers | FashionTV - FTV

SUBSCRIBE: RUSSIA - Welcome to the Cuckoo Club where you will certainly go--well--cuckoo! Beautiful women and sexy men, wearing FashionTV shirts and hats, dance and party like it’s the new year already! Everyone is having a blast -- Girls scream, “We love FashionTV!“ Colorful balloons, lights, glitter, and even flying dancers occupied the Cuckoo club. Jealous you missed out? CHANNEL FACEBOOK TWITTER FashionTV’s YouTube network features coverage of fashion shows, fashion week, runway highlights, front row celebs, backstage, hair and makeup, models, designers, photo shoots, red carpets at the biggest events in Hollywood, and much more. The total source for worldwide fashion coverage, FashionTV has new uploads EVERY DAY - See it on YouTube first. Официальная вечеринка Fashion TV в CUCKO
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