The YELLOW ROSE of TEXAS lyrics words text popular trending country western sing along song

The YELLOW ROSE of TEXAS lyrics words text best popular trending country western sing along song There’s a yellow rose in Texas I’m going down to see; No other fellas know her Nobody only me; She cried so when I left her It like to broke my heart, And if I only find her, we never more will part. She’s the sweetest girl that ever this fella ever knew; Her eyes are bright as diamonds And sparkle like the dew. You may talk about your Dearest Mae, And sing of Rosa Lee But the yellow Rose of Texas Beats the belles of Tennessee She’s the sweetest girl that ever this fella ever knew; Her eyes are bright as diamonds And sparkle like the dew. You may talk about your Dearest Mae, And sing of Rosa Lee But the yellow Rose of Texas Beats the belles of Tennessee Video & Performance Copyright (c) 2016 by Charles E. Szabo, BMI Charles Szabo is an American singer songwriter and educator who covers old songs to give them new life and performs his originals. Please subscribe, comment, and like (or dislike.) Thank You!
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