The Ship Sinking MS Estonia (Disaster Documentary)

The in-depth story of the Ship Sink MS Estonia Subscribe for more fascinating disaster documentaries: he Baltic Sea, enclosed by Central and Northern European countries, is one of the most extraordinary and beautiful seas. However, its beauty tends to be treacherous as the harsh climate in the Baltic often makes it pretty inhospitable. For centuries the Baltic Sea has been infamous among seafarers, with a number of shipwrecks lying on the bottom of the sea to prove it. In 1994, the stormy waters of the Baltic took away the lives of hundreds of victims in one of the greatest peacetime sinkings in the history of Europe. Watch true stories from history: With footage from CaljuCotcas: Estonia Animation by: David McGee - Blue Star Line VHS MS Estonia Animation by Liam Write your ideas for new videos in the comments! See you next time. This disaster documentary is inspired by the fantastic “Fascinating Horror“. #disasterdocumentary #shipsink #MSEstonia
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