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Kookaburra and Australian magpie on my lap.
See what the magpie does when I call the kookaburra cute 🤣
Cute birds end up fighting.
Please check with your local wildlife experts before offering any food to the native wildlife in your area. What I offer these birds is an occasional treat and only a tiny portion of their overall diet.
More information can be found at these resources:
1 month ago 00:02:22 1
Верное исполнение романса Сергея Рахманинова “Здесь хорошо“. Исполняет Юрий Гуляев, 1978 год
1 month ago 00:00:13 1
Да что ты черт побери такое несешь ? (Банды Нью-Йорка)