F45: C++ is dead | Clojure | JavaScript | Elixir | End-to-end testing | Vim or Emacs | Open-sourcey
Programmer’s Philosophy in Q&A Format (Every Friday at 18:00 UTC 3)
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00:00 Sound check | Greetings
03:45 What is your main drawback as a software manager, as a manager and software engineer?
10:56 What’s your opinion on the Clojure programming language?
12:42 I recently got my first job. The schedule is five, two, eight hours, but due to the fact that everything is new, it’s very interesting. And sometimes I can work even 12 hours for which I’m not paid extra.
13:15 Why do you think that C is a dead topic?
15:25 I’ve written a library and will soon open-source it. Thank you for the inspiration.
15:34 You said that you like JavaScript. What attracts you to it? Well, I do love JavaScript.
17:12 How frequently do you still write code? If you still do that, which language do you use most of the time, and what editor do you use?
18:02 Which languages do you use?
18:36 Which editor do you use?
19:42 Is it worth continuing to work like this, or is it the right way to burn out?
21:37 Can operations folks, system or network engineers become good, smart programmers, or do they need to focus on what they already do and become better engineers in their areas?
26:51 Do you have any hacks on how to keep talking constructively at work and still be able to talk about love with women and parents, showing emotions and feelings?
34:58 Would you ever see yourself switching to functional programming?
35:26 Why are Emacs and VIM more popular and have a bigger community?
37:29 Have you ever heard of the Elixir language? Elixir, yeah. If so, any thoughts?
38:02 What do you think of Tris?
38:08 Should a back-end developer write tests? Everything is clear with unit tests, but what about end-to-end testing? I’ve heard that developers write them in some teams.
43:09 Don’t you feel that time moves forward a bit faster?
43:41 I work for a large telecommunications company in Russia. And there are many system architects in my company. The problem is that they never write a single line of code. They just know how to draw sequence diagrams in the enterprise architect software. Is this normal? What should the dialogue between developers and the system architects look like?
51:54 When people get a job, money is often one of the main motivations as a resource that can be exchanged for other resources. But money is just a variant of an agreement between people on how to exchange all this. How to get out of this system and get less devalued resources for work?
54:08 What is the key point to pay attention to in an open-source project?
56:46 Is it possible to reach out to you for consultation outside the Friday office hours that you hold?
57:17 I’ve noticed in several workplaces that almost all programmers play the electric guitar or another musical instrument. The exception is junior positions. Have you noticed that?
57:53 What is your prediction about the USA-China competition for the nearest five or 10 years? Will we see a leadership swap to China? Will we see conflict expansion?
1:00:43 Have you watched Ripley? I’m very interested in your opinion as a movie lover about this series.
1:01:16 They’re asking why you started to delete the comments on the videos.
1:02:08 Why is loyalty to stupid managers okay? Stupid managers usually have a much higher salary than a senior programmer in the same company.
2 months ago 01:07:03 725
F45: C++ is dead | Clojure | JavaScript | Elixir | End-to-end testing | Vim or Emacs | Open-sourcey
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