Get Coach Vaughn’s new ebook: GADA Swing. Features over 60 manual pages on how to utilize the kettlebell and steel mace with over 130 hyperlinked professional videos and 40 program workouts-purchase a copy here:
More Questions? Checkout my Steel Mace FAQ Playlist here:
Beginner Steel Mace workout by Coach Vaughn:
- Steel Mace Press Outs: 8-10 Reps each side / 3 SETS for each side
- Steel Mace Dynamic Curls: Perform for 45 Sec/ 2-3 SETS
- Steel Mace Side to Side Lunges: Perform for 30-45 Sec / 3-4 SETS
- Steel Mace Deadlift to Bent Over Row: 6-8 Reps each side / 3-4 SETS
- Steel Mace Back Step Uppercuts: 6-8 Reps each side / 3-4 SETS
Steel Mace Tire Striking Tutorial Video: