Tomato soup recipe, Hearty Soup recipe, Brunch Soup recipe, 브런치 스프, 토마토 크림스프, 식사빵 스프, 마른빵을 맛있게 먹는방법
Hello, Yorians~
I made very simple but high-quality tomato soup in 5 minutes! It is great for late Saturday morning for brunch with any rustic bread or stale bread. The instruction is quite simple and easy so you can make it anytime with any ingredients you have in your refrigerator.
Please check out this simple and easy hearty tomato soup recipe!
엄청 쉽고 맛있는 토마토 크림스프를 만들어 봤어요. 요즘같이 날씨도 춥울때에 딱 어울리는 그런 브런치 메뉴예요. 식사빵 또는 먹다 남은 마른 빵이랑 잘 어울리는 토마토 크림스프! 이번 주말에 한번 만들어 보세요!
Stay tuned!
*The products that I used in the video. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you have a local Asian grocery store, please visit there to buy them. It would be much cheaper for some products than online.*
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*Tomato Sauce with Basil
*Butane Torch
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**It took an immense amount of time and effort to develop the recipes and videos. I sincerely wish this was helpful to people who needed and wanted it. It is against the law to wrongfully steal the videos or recipes. Unauthorized theft of this music or 2nd edit and re-use is prohibited.
많은 연구와 시행착오 끝에 완성된 레시피와 영상입니다. 꼭 필요한 분들에게 도움이 되길 바라며 무단복제, 레시피도용, 2차 편집을 법적으로 금합니다***
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