Dragon Rapide - Spinning Top [See The Big Picture] ☆☆☆☆☆

Dragon Rapide [See The Big Picture] ☆☆☆☆☆ 🎧 Choose your preferred music service: 👍 Subscribe / 申し込む / S’abonner : __________ From its base in Clermont-Fd, Dragon Rapide loves American independent rock from the 90s and this subtle mix of melodies and distortions combining the freshness of pop with the energy of punk. Let’s cut to the chase, for a change. What do you want from a real rock band ? First: style. Second: sound. Third: songs. In no particular order. The rest, my friends, is irrelevant, three sheets to the wind, cold fish and such, nothing but a lame reason for hanging around at the bar. Meanwhile, on stage, Dragon Rapide give it the works. With the tension, the electrifying tension, the high voltage of the trio, of friction, stripped down to the bone. When there’s only three of you, you’re not allowed to go wrong, to take some downtime, to slow down.
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