The Observable Universe Just Got Smaller! Here’s Why It Matters!

In this episode, we will explore the latest measurement of the radius of the observable universe, which is the part of the universe that can be seen from Earth. We will explain what the observable universe is, how it is measured, and what the new finding means for our understanding of the universe and its fate. We will also discuss some of the implications of this finding, such as the possibility of seeing more distant objects in the future, and the uncertainty of the fate of the universe. Best Telescopes for beginners: Celestron 70mm Travel Scope Celestron 114LCM Computerized Newtonian Tel...escope Celestron – StarSense Explorer LT 80AZ Visit our website for up-to-the-minute updates: Follow us Facebook: Twitter: Join this channel to get access to these perks: #NSN #observableuniverse #cosmology #physics #astronomy #space #science #plancksatellite #cmb #bigbang #hubbleconstant #expansionoftheuniverse #darkenergy #particlehorizon #light #distance #time #measurement #calculation #paper #finding #discovery #implication #fateoftheuniverse #education #information #entertainment #curiosity #wonder #mystery #nature #NASA #Astronomy
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