Stop self-sabotaging behavior with MAC - Metaphoric Associative Cards. Subpersonalities. Inner Child

How do I stop my self-sabotaging behavior? Metaphoric Associative Cards technique allows us to get into a deeper levels of your psychology and discover a power of your unconscious mind. In this video I demonstrate a technique that I use to harmonize 3 subpersonalities: Inner Child, Inner Parent and Inner Adult. Ask yourself: Do I always act as an adult? Do I make a sober decisions? Do I take a full responsibility for my life? By bringing all parts into union and allowing your Inner Adult to be a decision maker you will become more conscious in life and more successful in your career, relationship, self realization and manifestation in general. You will get out of your victim mentality in order to step into your power. This technique will help you to discover a current situation with your inner parts and will help them to collaborate to each other for your benefits. For a ONE ON ONE session please email: @ Find more inspiration on Social Media:
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