Оргазм Нострадамуса / Orgasm Nostradamusa - Мегаханыга / Megadrunkard [Audio]

Orgasm Nostradamusa - Megadrunkard Оргазм Нострадамуса - Мегаханыга Album: Esthetical Terrorism | Эстетический Терроризм Years: 2001 Text: Booze gave me birth, Booze will kill me, Pitchforks, axes, fork clubs I hate when I can’t catch a break, Goody son in the past, Stumblebum in the future, Life is a Gingerjack-Bingerjack Yeah! I am mega-drunkard! (4x) Ch: I have money - I soak myself, I have no - I take a rest, La-lai-la-la! Ouch! La-lai-la-la! Ouch! Lai-la-la-la-la-la! Ouch! I am a client of Drunk-tanks, A passenger of wine-racks, I am a goad for cops, Philosopher of basements and scrapyards, Five-kopeck coin in the pocket, Hundy at the cashiers desk - I’ll squander everything on the hooch, Yeah! I am mega-drunkard! Ch: Stuff your face, pant rabbit! Rip me apart, hungover mindfucks! The imperative of life - Shivering hands to the sun 4-di
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