Upcoming Chinese Drama! 狂猎 (Kuang Lie) / 猎狼者 (Lie Lang Zhe)aka Hunting #秦昊 #尹昉 #隋咏良 #赵昭仪

Also Known As: #WildHunt , #KuangLie Airing : 2021/5/24 Total Episode : 12 episodes At the Northern part of Xinjiang, two policemen were killed by a group of poachers and the prey were nowhere to be found. Five years later, Wei Jiang left the the police station in the forest, and chose to become a protector of the borders. By chance, he becomes Qin Chuan’s teacher, and leads him on the path of patrolling. They meet the local vet Ye Xiao Wan, as well as leader of the animal activist group Sai Na. Together, they found the traces of the poachers, and began a fierce battle with them. Finally, the poachers were caught, and justice was served. Drama Preview : Hunting’s Soundtrack : 陸虎(Lu Hu)- 開火(Kai Huo)(Fire) _______________________________________ Other Popular Videos : 賴美雲 / 鄭人予 - 尋找四葉草(Looking for four-leaf clover)Ost. 烏鴉小姐與蜥蜴先生 aka Miss Crow With [MV] 孫盛希(Sun Sheng Xi)- 一場夏事(Yi Ch
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