Serenity - Death & Legacy [Full Album]. 2011.

Bonus tracks included. I know, I haven’t published in a while. I’ve just been so busy doing school & not this. The only reason I’m publishing this album in which I HAVE NO OWNERSHIP OF is b/c I wasn’t able to see my girlfriend today. I’ve been so bored b/c nobody’s home & it’s bad weather out, so I put together this. All rights belong to Serenity. Enjoy!! [0:00] - Set Sail To... (intro) [0:30] - New Horizons [7:22] - The Chevalier [13:00] - Far From Home [17:50] - Heavenly Mission [23:10] - Prayer (interlude) [24:32] - State of Siege [31:22] - Changing Fate [37:04] - When Canvas Starts To Burn [41:54] - Serenade of Flames [46:50] - Youngest of Widows [50:54] - Below Eastern Skies (interlude) [52:30] - Beyond Desert Sands [57:26] - To India’s Shores [1:02:00] - Lament (interlude) [1:02:42] - My Legacy
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