Tanais – legendary Greek border between Europe and Asia | Museums of Russia

#addTanaistotheworldheritagelist 🏺 Tanais was the largest barbarian marketplace since Panticapaeum. This Greek city was considered a legend just like Troy but proved to exist in the 19th century in the Russian Empire. Tanais was a fortress surrounded by a wall and a deep ditch, a trading hub between Europe and Asia on the Tanais(currently Don) river. Also, the land of the Tanais river was known as the home of heroic Amazon warriors, and it keeps a lot of stories about how Greeks, Scythians, and Sarmatians got along with each other. Are you ready to dive into the episode? 🏺 For tips and tea: 🏺 Credits: By George Tsiagalakis - Own work - background topographical map from Wikipedia Commons Image:, CC BY-SA 4.0, Richard Emerson website Tanais’ museum website Rostov museum website
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