Отрывок из фильма: Богемская рапсодия 2018. А вам не кажется, что звук ДЕРЬМО? Первый альбом Queen.

#ФреддиМеркьюри #БогемскаяРапсодия #Queen #Куин #МузыкальнаяГруппа Плейлист с остальными моментами из фильма: #РокГруппа #Байопик #BohemianRhapsody #FreddieMercury #ОтрывокИзФильма Full HD 1080p. After the show, he meets Smile guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor, and offers to replace their singer Tim Staffell, who had just quit earlier that night. With the addition of bassist John Deacon, the band – now known as Queen – play gigs across Britain until they sell their van to produce their debut album. Their musical style lands them a contract with EMI Records. At the same time, Farrokh legally changes his name, now going by Freddie Mercury and becomes engaged to Biba shop assistant Mary Austin. The album hits the charts in America, and, during the band’s U.S. tour, Freddie begins questioning his sexuality. Новый коллектив с подачи Фредди получает название Queen и начинает гастрольную деятельнос
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