Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed | Toddler Songs | Preschool Learning Song

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed is a super simple song for both preschool and toddlers to get their bodies moving. Used as a simple toddler song or as a preschool learning song, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed will have your child singing all day. In addition to singing, this preschool learning video will help children to count backwards from 5 to 0. We hope you and your little preschool learner have lots of fun singing along with Ms. Jessica and this song for littles. ❤️ For educational resources for ages 3-6, check out Ms. Jessica’s store Teachers Pay Teachers: #fivelittlemonkeysjumpingonthebed #preschoollearning #toddlersongs #5littlemonkeys #fivelittlemonkeys #toddlerlearning #preschoollearning #kidslearning #123 #educationalvideos #songsforlittles #kidssongs #preschool #toddler #supersimplesongs
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