National Savings 40th Birthday (1956)

Guildhall, London. SV. Queen Elizabeth II goes up the steps of Guildhall to platform (title super over). SV. Queen standing at table speaking to audience. Sitting on her right is the Lord Mayor of London Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd and Conservative Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden and on her left is Lord Mackintosh of Halifax, President of the National Savings Movement. The Queen addressing the audience (natural sound): “My husband and I, our children and my sister... we are all members of the Savings group in the Royal household...“ CU of Queen and applause as she finishes. SV. Four chefs bring the cake, a replica of the Guildhall facade, down the central aisle. LV. The Queen and Lord Mackintosh start to come down steps towards the cake. They reach it, Queen picks up knife and goes to cut cake. SV. The Queen starts to cut cake. As she is cutting, one of the chefs holds onto the piece she is cutting off. She stands back away from cake. Lord Mackintosh is with her. GV. The procession of 40 Candle Swords makes its
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