The reason rugby players used sand | Andre Pretorius

At this period, although kicking tees were becoming the norm, the player chose to stick with sand instead. Before the advent of modern kicking tees in sports like rugby, players used sand or mud to position the ball for a kick. When a ball is placed on sand or mud, it can be molded to sit in a specific way, slightly elevated from the ground. This elevation is crucial. It allows the kicker to strike the ball at a lower point than if it were lying directly on the ground. By getting further underneath the ball, the kicker can impart more upward force, resulting in greater height and distance. Over time, the development of kicking tees has replaced the need for sand or mud. Modern tees are designed to hold the ball at a precise angle and height, offering consistency and convenience that natural materials can’t match. However, the principle remains the same: elevating the ball to allow for a more effective kicking angle.
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