Chal Baant Le - Hindi Song 2023 | RV Singh | Anjali Arora | Jus Keys | Vinder N | Hindi Love Songs

Coming together was their beginning, Staying together is their success. . . Presenting the full Music Video of New Hindi Song 2023 Chal Baant Le, by RV Singh, featuring one and the only Anjali Arora (Lockup Fame) Subscribe: @SagaMusicHindi Chal Baant Le now Streaming on all audio platforms: Song Credits: Title: Chal Baant Le Singer: RV Singh Female Lead: Anjali Arora Music: Jus Keys Mixing & Mastering: Ishan Naik Lyrics/Composer: Vinder Nathu Majra Label: Saga Music Digitally Managed By: Unisys Infosolutions. Video Credits: Director: Honey Hans & Gurjeet Bhangu Video: Big Mafia F...ilms DOP: Prashant Dandekar Project Head: Ambika Sharma Executive Producer: Jaskeerat Singh Puri Edit & Di: Yuvi #anjaliarora #rvsingh #newhindisong #sagamusichindi #love #lovesong #newvideo #hindilovesong anjali arora new song, anjimaxu latest song, anjali arora hindi song chal baant le, new song 2023, anjimaxu new song, anjali arora new songs, new song, new hindi song, new hindi song 2023, latest hindi song 2023, hindi song, hindi love song, romantic song hindi, new hindi song latest this week
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