Contra Operation Galuga - 1cc w/ Brad Fang (Hard Mode, 1-Hit Kill, Contra 4 OST)
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Here’s the 1cc Brad Fang video that people were asking for. As a reminder this does not mean deathless. Brad Fang of the weaker characters in the roster. I’m used to his Hard Corps version which is extremely useful and powerful.
Brad has 1 jump, a dash with a slash, a stationary slash, and downward slam with a slash on both ends. These slashes destroy bullets. It can come in handy when a unexpected bullets come through. The dash is real bad though. It’s recovery fames make Brad extremely vulnerable when dashing through levels
Best way to mitigate is use the best weapon he has, the homing variant weapon. This thing absolutely destroys anything on screen. There are a few exceptions in which I swap out weapons. I actually prefer homing and crush in the 1st level. After that I’ll be running double H all day long. I got cocky on the final battle and payed for it. Brad’s crush is really good but it’s tricky to use with angles.
Hope you all enjoy. Maybe I’ll do another one with a different character
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Contra: Operation Galuga # 8 ★ ФИНАЛ ★ Прохождение