ROV Dive S0481 - JaichMaa ’ja’ag vent field Tay Ujaa Big Cave

Join ROV SuBastian from the RV Falkor for the twentieth dive of the Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Pescadero Basin expedition. This is the eleventh and final dive of the third leg, primarily focused on the biological component. The JaichMaa ‘ja’ag vent field in the South Pescadero Basin consists of four large and several small hydrothermal edifices. One of the largest, is known as the Big Cave (or Cavern). Our final dive has three primary objectives: (1) travel to a site slightly S of the Big Cavern mound to collect push cores and corresponding temperature profiles, (2) travel to the Big Cavern to deploy and observe/ recover colonization experiment from S0476 and collect rocks and animals, (3) travel to the Red Hill (Weey ‘kual) site to collect animal and rock samples. #PescaderoVentDiving2
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