‘Closer’,the latest track from Brighton producer duo Regal their urban industrial settings are glorious galactic dancers,creating the same beauty-in-the-void effect as the music they move to draw comparisons to Burial,the sounds of Regal Safari combine nebulous vocals with processed beats and analog synths to create something you might hear on the next season of Skins (high praise in my vocabulary).
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Королева крымской саванны Джуна! Тайган Queen of the Crimean savanna Juna! Taigan
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Только для своих : В Европу на Патруле ч2 : Рига, Калининград, Прага.. Хаски типо пивной Блоггер =)
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Все белые львы красивы, но этот выделяется даже среди них! This lion stands out from all!