Donegal Tweed (1957)

Donegal, Ireland. L/S of the coastline around Donegal. Various shots of the sea rolling over the rocks. L/S of green fields and hills with a house in front of them. M/S of a pretty white cottage, a boy is cutting up logs on the lawn outside and a dog is playing in the garden. M/S of the cottage with plants and a small cart outside, the boy walks into the shot with a basket of logs and enters the cottage, the camera pans up to the thatched roof which is secured with ropes to stop it blowing away in the gales. C/U of the roof with the ropes across it. M/S of two women and a man in front of the cottage. The women are weaving on small looms and the man is taking peat from a barrow. C/U of Mrs Sweeny weaving on the loom. C/U of her face, C/U of her feet working the treadle. C/U of her hands feeding the wool onto the loom. M/S of Mrs Maguire who is using a bicycle wheel on her loom. C/U of her hands and the spindle going round. C/U of her face as she works. C/U of her husband, Dennis Maguire, picki
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