Artificial Intelligence and the Philosophy of Consciousness

Это видео — часть образовательного проекта Сергея Пименова, созданного с помощью ИИ для демонстрации возможностей ИИ асситентов. Обращайтесь на консультациями по примению инструментов искусственного интеллекта для ваших задач. Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence works? Can a machine think just like us? And what if, in the future, computers could become self-aware, just as we do? These questions might seem intimidating and complex, but they are actually fascinating and full of mysteries. If you’ve never encountered artificial intelligence, don’t worry. This video is specially designed for those who want to learn about this intriguing subject without complex formulas or technical jargon. We will delve into the concepts of intelligence, consciousness, and ask whether machines could ever become truly “alive.“ Our journey will help you see artificial intelligence from a new perspective, understand how it differs from human intelligence, and why AI is not something to fear, but rather something incredibly interesting and captivating. Let’s explore together what lies behind these technologies and what boundaries we might overcome if we stop fearing them. На разных языках:
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