By2: Isn’t It 有沒有 MV【HD】Hottest Girl Band!

Composed & produced by Dr Moon. (c) 2011. all rights of the video & sound recording owned by Ocean Butterflies International. By2【 90’鬧Now】2011全新大碟 全家限量預購9/20-10/5歡樂派對版 送鬧Now炫光彩哨 -10/12全亞洲正式發行- (c) 2011. all rights of the video & sound recording owned by Ocean Butterflies International. 海蝶歌手:許嵩 歌曲:天龍八部之宿敵 海蝶歌手:袁成傑 歌曲:烏溜溜 海蝶歌手:張婧 歌曲:有那&#
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