Emperor - Call from the Grave (Bathory Cover) (feat. Mortiis & Faust)

- A Night of Emperial Wrath 2021 - The band return in a flash of red light, this time with a masked Mortiis taking bass duties from Secthdamon and occupying his place stage-left; whereas, behind the kit, Trym has given way to Faust. Eyes turn to stage-left where Mortiis appears in full regalia and wielding a bass guitar once again. Together, they perform BATHORY’s Call From The Grave and their own Wrath Of The Tyrant. This is nostalgia intermingled with novelty, but we’re never any worse off for seeing black metal’s own Goblin King on stage. Just like the old days... LYRICS God of Heaven, Hear my cries of anguish I’m in pain I’ve suffered a thousand deaths but I live on in vain Death would greet with eternal sleep My soul would come to peace My life had ceased The time was comed Can no-one hear my pleas Lowered down in the moisty ground Into the dark and cold My heart’s beat the only sound Pain tears my limbs and soul I scream for mercy Hear my cries Oh, Lord don’t abandon me I’m so tired Grant me the
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