Guns N’ Roses - Better (Sub Español/English) Lyrics/Letra

Guns N’ Roses con el tema Better en sub español y lyrics, una petición de “armando padilla“ Link del vídeo anterior en el canal Deftones - Romantic Dreams En el canal también encontraras otras Canciones Traducidas como las de Beach Fossils, Cherry Glazerr, Bleeding Knees Club, Haley Heynderickx, Yorkshire Fields, Cyberbully Mom Club, Elvis Depressedly, SadGirl, Together Pangea, In Flames, Franky Flowers, Sea Fuzz, Zarah Leander, Tame Impala, Parks, Squares & Alleys, Animal Collective, Alex G, Mounties, The Pine, Spendtime Palace, Roky Erickson, Prince Daddy & The Hyena, Old Gray, Ty... Segall, Vundabar, Dreamgirl, Modest Mouse, Soviet Soviet, Astronaut Samurais, Girlpool, The High Curbs, Dilute, Cage The Elephant, Foxes, Hoops, Jack Stauber, FIDLAR, Hockey Dad, Salvia Palth, The Daughters Of Eve, Kate Davis, Freak Slug, Melaina Kol, Jons, Grouplove, The War On Drugs, Worn-Tin, Requin Chagrin, VIDEOCLUB, Vendredi sur Mer, Cults, TV Girl, Wild Nothing, Surf Curse, Nina
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