Dolphins smile because they know how terrible they can be. Flipper Flipper Scientifically Accurate Dolphin Each one clicks their own name No one is the same Did you know Flipper, Flipper Is hyper intelligent They feel joy and depression Sometimes they commit suicide One time a dolphin, dolphin was in a sexual relationship with a trainer When the trainer was caught The dolphin killed itself Flipper flipper flipper Communicates with sonar The military also uses sonar Except they use it real loud Two-hundred-thirty-five decibels of sonar When it hits a dolphin The dolphin’s brain turns to mush Also Flipper Flipper Flipper Is known for playing and masturbating They put their penis in dead fish So when you see Flipper, Flipper, maybe avoid him Because accurate dolphins are known to have nonconsensual sex in large, violent gangs. Writer: Heather Anne Campbell () Executive Producer: Samantha Scharff Director: JC Wegman Music: David Schmoll Voice Talent: Heather Anne Campbell Producer: Steve Shin Storyboard Artist: JC Wegman Lead Animator: Kevin Inciong Animation: Kaishu Menella, Josh Kim, Carol Scarbrough, Forrest Norris Lead Designers: Raye Rodriguez, Megan Willoughby Design: Joanna Johnen, Mary Nash instead of Megan Willoughby, Kaishu Menella Editor: Leroy Patterson Animation Coordinator: Arielle Martorana Digital Project Manager: Stu Fullerton SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE FLIPPER | ANIMATION DOMINATION HIGH-DEF © 2015 Fox Broadcasting Company
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