Hey There Delilah - COMPLETED OC MAP

Its been 3 years since I first started this project and I can’t believe its finally done! Thank you to all the participants who contributed to help complete this! PARTICIPANTS: AkiPumpkin @AkiPumpkin Werewolf900 @Werewolf900 CommanderWuffels @commanderwuffels9545 Kenna Doodles @ Luea @luea8260 orkestrell @orkestrell Risko - Chan @risko-chan RedBearNQ90 @RedbearNQ90 ChurchPotato KYF @churchpotatokyf Shai @shai3743 Zefir_no_access @zefir_no_access PandaIburo @pandaiburo ToppyFlygon @Toppy-flygon PalomaSkyy @PalomaSkyy Lupin_Lo0ps @Lupin_Lo0ps Manguruneza @manguruneza4214 Morning Haze @morninghaze4935 Sabby @sabby6885 Remember, while this map is to express feelings of loneliness because everyone feels it, you are loved and there are people who are there for you Song: Putting a spin on hey there Delilah by egg
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