Touhou Animation - Reisen Rizz

This is an animation dedicated to a lovely person who I appreciate lots! I hope this video can act as the fuel to your drive, as you whisk along the road to greatness! I wanted to try making a funny story with some of your loved characters. I know I’m several months late for the “special day“ but I hope you can take this as a sign of my love to you for all days of the year instead! @FinalLeet animated the second half of this story. I’m very proud of what you’ve managed to make with the limited Blender experience you had, you really did a fantastic job. Thank you for joining me and helping me... with this project, I couldn’t have done it myself and I’m really happy we got to create something together for a special person! Thank you @Crabnuts!! Literally a walking blender encyclopedia. You really helped me so much with like ALL my projects, seriously appreciate it. All hail the crab 🦀🙌 Maps:
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